What is an

Everyday Athlete?


An everyday athlete is someone who prioritizes a healthy and physically active lifestyle in order to live life to the fullest. Everyday athletes make the most of what we have, and we never settle for less than the life we are capable of living.

It means being truly alive and awake - not asleep in some waiting room or on the couch.

Physical activity is part of our DNA. It’s not something we think that we MUST do, but rather a part of our day-to-day life. It makes us who we are. It defines us.

As everyday athletes, we continually reach out for newer, richer, and deeper experiences. It’s using those experiences as a means of personal growth and pushing our boundaries mentally, physically, and intellectually for the betterment of ourselves, our families, and the world at large.

We are behind the wheel of our life, taking advantage of our unique and powerful potential as a person. We do things in life that motivate and inspire others to do something motivating and inspiring in theirs. We maximize our capacity to experience what life has to offer around us. This, in turn, expands our consciousness and results in an even broader range of life experiences. 

The key to life as an everyday athlete is to open our minds and stretch beyond our comfort zone. If we’re not being challenged or intentionally pushing ourselves beyond the realm of things that are familiar, then the experiences we’re having are no longer changing us. Anything that limits our ability to experience the breadth of life reduces our ability to live life to the fullest. If the point of living life is to maximize your capacity for taking advantage of what life has to offer, then this involves maximizing the length of our life as well.

Everyday athletes are not limited to the confines of a gym. We see the gym as a tool for maximizing life’s experiences. We live for being outside the gym, just as much as we are inside it. Everyday athletes are not bound to any one tool, activity, or methodology. We believe in fundamental principles for health. From strength training to running, biking to skiing, team sports to individual events, everyday athletes embrace it all. We prepare for anything life could throw their way. We welcome the challenge

Everyday athletes look beyond the hype and hyperbole of the fitness industry.

We seek substance.

We seek the truth.

We seek clarity. 

We pursue performance but not at the sacrifice of longevity. We know they’re in it for the long haul. Health comes first. No shortcuts, no quick fixes. We work hard, knowing we will reap the
rewards in the long run.

meet your coach

josh elsesser

NASM Master Trainer | Performance Enhancement Specialist | Corrective Exercise Specialist

Hi, I'm Josh Elsesser.

I'm obsessively passionate about fitness, and my mission is to help people achieve their maximum athletic potential
without sacrificing their health.

I specialize in helping successful men over 40 live a fulfilling and athletic lifestyle. I believe that health and fitness for these everyday athletes is one of the least understood and least transparent aspects of the fitness industry.

I founded Everyday Athlete because I believe there is a better way to do health and fitness - a more intelligent and sustainable approach that allows us to live life to the fullest - well into our senior years!

I see that as an opportunity, and my gift to you.

I'm excited to share my passion and simplify fitness for everyone through education, resources, and community.

Life’s better as an Everyday Athlete.

Josh Elsesser | Everyday Athlete

life is better as an everyday athlete